Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bringing it all up to date.....

I decided it is about time I picked up my pen again, so to speak. So many changes are in the air, and before the choices get made, let's summarize.

In September 2006, after 14 years in the Netherlands, my family and I, Jeroen, Liam & Angus decided to haul it over to the US to try our luck out as Americans, and see what the 'dream' was all about. We did not have a lot of expectations, but survival was definitely one of them. That was good, looking back, because we have survived rather well, but it's been a challenge we never truly thought would turn out the way it did.

Living in Florida for 9 months and being bitten to smithereens, we decided to check out where I could get the best job. Turns out, that was Seattle, WA and in August 2007, that's where we went.

During the first two years, I was able to show my dutch family so very much. Washington DC, Williamsburg, VA, Charleston, SC, Jekyll Island, GA, Key West, FL on the first trip in 2006. Driving from Hobe Sound, FL to Seattle, we passed through: Atlanta, GA, Chattanooga, TN, St. Louis, MO, Belleville, IL (yes, land of Wilco), Kansas City, KS, Rapid City, SD (Mt. Rushmore) and Paradise, MT. Within 2 years, my boys have been to admire over 20 states. Now, that's an experience of a lifetime, right?

Anyway, working for probably one of the most conservative companies of the world, a once-upon-a-time family operated timber company has brought it's share of challenges with it, but also wonderful people and a new perspective on life.

If there is any one place in America that may call itself European in it's thought processes, that would be Seattle. No judgments made here and gloriously enough absolutely NO prejudice, nor racism. Simply enjoying the beauty of the individual and the nature that abounds here. People still work hard, but not to the death. They enjoy life and enjoy who they are. Something very sweet about that.

I've fallen for the people but more importantly, for the nature. The glorious forests are everywhere, flush with ferns, moss and wetness ensuring a proclivity of life for a long time after we will possibly all be long gone. We've been stocking up on the camping gear lately so that I can take my boys out onto the range, into the forests and show them the beauty I feel up close and personally. If only it will get a little warmer, yes I still have Florida blood but it will get better...

I am hoping to start writing little bits of America that come up now and then from my point of view. I can certainly promise everyone that it will be honest, sincere and most probably to the point. I hope no one gets offended by anything I say but if so, get over it!!!

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